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Biochemic System of Medicine

Biochemic science competes with any other branch of science in an effective and sure way to cure.The word Biochemic is derived from Greek origin, BIOS, meaning,” LIFE”, and Chemistry, therefore meaning, the “Chemistry of Life.”

Indeed these words which gave eminent, Dr.MED.W.H.SCHUESSLER, immense inspiration, that, “The structure and vitality of organs depends upon the presence of necessary quantities of in-organic constituents.”

The simple logic of Dr.Schuessler’s Biochemic theory is:

1. The human body contains twelve inorganic elements which are responsible for maintenance of normal cell function.


2. When due to some cause, one or more of these elements becomes deficient, then the normal cell function of metabolism is disturbed and a condition arises, known as” Disease”.


3. By supplying to the system the lacking elements in the form of Schusseler’s Biochemic Remedies, normal cell function and health can be restored.

Gradually, it dawned upon the scientific world that importance of biochemic system of medicine is of magnitude, and is, “Next best to natural Cure”. This wonderful science was invented in the year 1873. Homeopaths are also usually practicing biochemic system of treatment. Many think it is a branch of Homeopathy, but it is not true. Inventor of Homeopathy was Dr.S.Hahnemann, whereas inventor of Biochemic science was Dr.W.Schuessler. Frankly speaking both systems are separate concept and not branch of each other.

Regarding the fact of this system, our college boldly launches this spreading of knowledge, and its mission to the people, firmly believing, those for whom it is intended will receive it in the same helpful sprit of dedication, in which it is imparted.

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